Thursday 3 February 2011

His results- Grapefruit Pudding Cake

In the photo with the recipe it shows a square piece of this cake (inverted, so I followed their lead). They'd clearly baked it in a larger dish and trimmed it but the only instructions were for baking in a ramekin.

I'm happy to report it worked fine in the larger dish I used. I left it in the oven for the longer end of the guide time then, when it came out lifted it out of the hot water immediately and left it to cool on a rack.

When I cut it the centre was very slightly runny but the reason was I got a bit impatient and cut it before it was fully cool. Beware of that!

It was a yummy cake anyway. It was nice and tart from the zest with a lovely creamy pudding base. The 'cake' layer was, as always with egg white based fluffy fairly insubstantial. I was glad that it was a little thinner in mine than in the other folks. This was great for me although she had a little more of a struggle with it I think... It was the first recipe for a very long time where I kept the whole thing to myself! It was both pretty small and slightly impractical to transport. And delicious...

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