My friend Courtney and I scoured the neighborhood for dandelions. Strangely, we don't seem to have them here. I know that they grow in other areas of Texas and perhaps even in other areas of Houston, but they don't grow in my neighborhood. I wonder if intensive lawn care practices or the heat and humidity keeps them away? He and I decided that I might as well buy some edible flowers. The ones I bought at Whole Foods were pretty and I liked that their packaging wasn't corporately labeled.
The batter was easy to put together, and I poured it into a loaf pan.
The loaf baked up to be pretty. It needed about 15 extra minutes in the oven.
I think it tasted nicest on the first day. It had a nice crust and soft interior and I personally thought that it had an unusual taste. It wasn't bad, but I don't think I'll ever make it again. A few of my co-workers tried it and enjoyed the experience. One said it tasted like a bread her grandmother made, and the other said, "this tastes like soda bread." So maybe it's less unusual tasting than I think it is. It wasn't particularly pretty sliced, but not bad looking either.
Everyone hates them here, I've noticed. They're referred to as weeds, which I think is a shame. They're so pretty!