Monday 18 January 2010

Her results - Mexican chocolate crackle cookies

It was my first time making cookies this way - melting a chocolate and butter mixture in a double boiler; whipping sugar and eggs in a bowl; combining those mixtures; and then adding the flour and other dry ingredients. And I'd definitely never known that rolling the balls in sugar would create this cool crackle effect!

In the end, my cookies were puffier than his, with fewer crackles. And unlike his, mine did not need extra time in the oven. The bottoms of my cookies were shiny and dark from the melted sugar. They were not burnt, but crisp on the first day. A day later the bottoms have softened up, and the whole cookie is chewy and delicious. Roughly speaking, I think they have the flavor of a dark chocolate brownie in the form of a cookie. The coffee, cinnamon and chili powder add to the complexity of the flavor, but none of those ingredients is immediately discernible. Yum!

Best of all, it really felt like we shared a kitchen yesterday. It made me very, very happy.

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